(Know you want to join Marriagology for only $97 per month already? Skip the reading and click Sign me up!
But even then, I thought I was the perfect wife. Considerate, respectful and romantic. So why did my husband often get irritable with me, and yell at me? I would shut down and go quiet, believing I was the more mature person, not angry, not escalating the conflict by answering back.
I was emotionally wounded and would wait for an apology. Not talk, in case he got mad at me again. Days of silence. Self-righteously, I thought I was the better person – it was my husband who had the problem!
Then one day, all that changed. The day that Mike said to me, "Karen, you don’t have a monopoly on negative feelings."
You see, already early on in my marriage, I saw a few things Mike could improve.
I told him to lower his tone, be less reactive, listen to me when I tell him that I am unhappy and not be so defensive, also how to be more caring and not disrespectful.
That didn’t work. At all.
It seemed like whenever I asked him to acknowledge my feelings, he would tell me to “get over it.” It was painful, especially since he didn’t seem to want to hear my complaints. That left me feeling totally unloved.
I started to wonder if I had made a mistake marrying this guy.
Obviously, we needed marriage counselling, but heck, I was a counsellor. Embarrassing! This went on for over a year, but he still didn’t change.
It seemed my marriage was going to be full of hurts and time on my own spent recovering from his painful impulsive remarks. Possibly splitting up.
There was just one problem: I was too embarrassed to get divorced…
So, I started thinking about what I wanted for a happy flourishing marriage.
What came to me was that I wasn’t perfect and realised I too had things to learn about relationships. This didn’t make sense to me at the time, but I was desperate, so I decided to do some work on my marriage and not just blame my “irritable” and “unapologetic” husband.
And that’s when I got my miracle.
At the time, Mike and I owned a 76 acre (or 30 hectare) rolling hills sheep property in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. It was a beautiful place with two dams and stocked with around 100 female sheep, with lambs born every spring.
When we bought the property it had no internal fencing, so he drew up a design for the various fields and then we set about putting up the fences.
One Sunday, the two of us worked all day together, putting in fence posts. This involved me holding a new post in position as he lined it up from afar.
I would then hold it in place while he came back and dug the hole, then the lining up would happen a second time.
Then he came back and pushed dirt back into the hole and made the dirt firm around the post in its new position, using a crowbar.
Back and forth, lining up, digging, pushing in soil, and ramming the crowbar. Hard, hard work, hour after hour, the two of us working as a team.
Late in the day, after a large corner post had finally been rammed into position, he went back to check the work done. And the corner post was out of alignment (according to his eye that demanded perfection).
He blew up. He shouted and ranted about the post being in the wrong position and swore at the "stupid bloody thing" and "now we're just going to have to get it out and do it all over again. It's not good enough."
I went quiet. I couldn't believe that he could be so mean to me, when I had been nothing but patient and cooperative all day. How could he attack me like that?
The tension between us did not abate that evening, and I gave him the "cold shoulder" into the next day whilst I waited for an apology from him for his unnecessary outburst.
An apology did not come, so the "no talking" between us continued. Not a word between us until later on the Tuesday, when civil courtesy returned, "Do you want something to eat?" "Can you drive me to work tomorrow?" But no warmth, no intimacy.
I was still waiting for an apology. I had been wounded and believed that he should apologise for his behaviour on the Sunday.
On Thursday, fed up with the silence, he asked me, "So when are we going to start speaking again? What are you sulking about?"
I was incensed. "I'm not sulking. I'm wounded." "What on earth are you wounded about?" he wailed, totally frustrated. "What have I done now?"
Sarcastically, I said, "You know very well what you've done. I'm wounded because you yelled at me." Bewildered, he said, "Yelled at you? When did I yell at you?"
And so, with great self-righteous indignation, I repeated word for word, what he had yelled at me on Sunday. I had dwelt on it so many times since then, I now knew the scene off by heart.
He was flabbergasted at my disclosure. He protested and said, "But I wasn't yelling at you! I was yelling at the fence post! I was frustrated because the fence post was crooked. I was the one doing the lining up, so if I was yelling at anyone, I would have been yelling at myself! Whatever made you think I was yelling at YOU?"
Sheepishly now, I said, "Because I was the only one there."
I of course, being a sensitive and avoidant person, had not ever yelled at a person, and certainly not at an inanimate object. That to me, didn't make sense. No wonder I had assumed that he had been yelling at me.
But I suddenly realised I had got it wrong, which explained why there had been no apology.
Then he asked the question that changed the course of our relationship. He said, "So I wasn't yelling at you but anyway, even if I was, how did that make you feel?" I finally was given the opportunity to release what had been going around in my head for four days.
"When you yell at me, I feel disrespected, I feel you don't value me, I feel like I'm a nuisance and that you don't want me doing things with you, I feel you don't love me and that you wish you weren't married to me."
I could see he was flabbergasted as he gasped, "You feel all those things when I yell at you?"
"Yes" I replied, with the tone that indicated, "Of course, doesn't everyone?"
He continued, "Nothing could be further from the truth. I had absolutely no idea you feel that when I yell! Because I do respect you and I do value you. I do not consider you a nuisance and I love doing things with you. I absolutely love you and I always want to be married to you.”
He continued: “I cannot believe you think those things because I yell! However, now that I know that is what you feel, I am going to try very hard not ever to raise my voice again when you are around. But I have always yelled, and I am bound to make mistakes at times.”
And then came the big epiphany when he asked ME to do something too…
“So if my part of the bargain is that I will try not to yell at you, not to raise my voice, can YOUR part of the bargain please be that when I make a mistake and I do yell, that you say to yourself, "This does NOT mean he doesn't respect me, this does NOT mean he doesn't value me, this does NOT mean he doesn't love me." Because those thoughts are only your interpretation. It is not reality."
This event was a turning point for me as it was the first time in my life that I realised that not everyone experienced events the same way that I did, and that my interpretation of events and feelings were mine alone.
This helped me understand why I had been hurt by people's words and actions in the past, before I met Mike, when I had been puzzled that a person would behave in a way so very different to how I would behave.
And I also realized I wasn't always right and that I had to be careful about my "holier than thou" attitude at times, which I now realised, impacted on others.
And that’s why it felt like a miracle.
47 years later we are still married. Yes, ups and downs throughout that time, trials and tribulations, national and international moves for our work, children and stepchildren, in-laws and out-laws, ongoing studies and financial sacrifices, the introduction of computers, mobile phones and technology, personal and family crises and grief. But we’ve done it. And you can do it too.
You see, marriages don’t end because of events. Marriages end because of your FEELINGS about those events and whether or not your feelings are heard and understood. If that happens and you feel on the same page as your spouse, then you feel supported and can keep going.
It’s about the feelings. Even after conflict, it’s about the feelings, and whether those feelings are resolved.
It’s also about understanding your own emotional style and how that impacts on other people. It’s about understanding THEIR emotional style and learning that they are different to you but not necessarily WRONG.
It’s about learning emotional vocabulary so you can describe what you are feeling in words instead of just displaying the emotion with outbursts of anger or crying (or in my case, withdrawing into silence).
It’s about not taking everything personally when you feel hurt, because you do not have a monopoly on negative emotions.
You can do this. I’ve done this. I am a highly sensitive person, meaning I’m more easily overwhelmed, hurt or affronted, and still get the feelings 47 years on.
I still have a jab of pain when Mike gets irritated (note, I no longer say, irritated AT ME, just irritated). I no longer take it personally when he gets upset at not being able to find the remote control for the TV or his car keys and says to me what have you done with the TV remote?
I no longer stay silent for days, waiting for an apology. I have also learned that I irritate him in many ways, which astounds me. I am not one who would ever deliberately hurt anyone, let alone those who are nearest and dearest to me.
Yet I have learned that my sensitivity annoys him intensely, and he has to work at putting up with that. Who would have thought?
I thought I was the perfect wife! But to my surprise, I learned my behaviours were impacting negatively on someone else!
It took me years to learn all of this. Years of making mistakes and having our relationship suffer.
After 7 years of marriage, we did some travel overseas to work out whether we were going to stay together or go our separate ways. We had given up our jobs and sold our home in Adelaide before we left, on the chance that we wouldn’t make it as a couple.
In fact, we did part on our travels. We separated in Munich, Germany, after a huge fight. That was it, bye-bye marriage. We walked off in different directions. No mobile phones back then so I don’t know how we actually got back together, but we did because Mike couldn’t speak German (I did), and he held the passports.
Somehow, we found each other again out of sheer necessity, and we had to make it work in order to continue with our travels.
Fast forward 47 years.
We live on the (beautiful) Gold Coast in Australia.
I have 27 years of (successful) marriage counselling behind me. (And counting...)
I have a system of teaching people the most important things that will keep you together in your marriage. (Because this is what most couples want but don’t know what the key is to unlock the solution...)
How to deal with your old hurts (so you can move on..)
How to communicate effectively so you can resolve your resentments rather than have your issues escalate (as this is what ruins your marriage).
And how to behave so your partner feels loved and respected by you, and then return the favour (so you can enjoy the support you deserve).
And I have put this system into a training course (so that you can do it too). Having been called the World-Renowned Expert In Making Marriages Flourish, this is my legacy!
Crafted over many years I want to share it with you (so that you enjoy a flourishing marriage as I do with my husband Mike).
Each day in our marriage after that “building fences” day we have been happy to see and be with each other (although that had been gone for those 4 days).
And then after the "blip" in Germany I thought, "Wow! This is working! " And so I wrote two influential books about what I learned and shared this and other experiences.
That’s how I accidentally started a worldwide movement of marriage coaching for people to practise eight relationship skills (that build flourishing relationships).
In writing my books I was just trying to save my own marriage…. And I did!
Thousands of couples have reached out to me in private counselling and coaching sessions over many years (for support in reconnecting with their spouse or partner).
They’ve talked to me about their early attachment experiences, and the negative impact this has had on their most important relationship (the one with their partner).
These couples wanted more support in practising the Skills they read about in my books (and want me to teach them online).
They suggested I prepare a course for them and others to keep learning and referencing (yet I got overwhelmed and hid away for a while, if I’m honest).
But then I had the idea to start an online Marriage Coaching Program (initially terrifying for me, as a highly sensitive person!).
The result – Fast Fix Marriage Formula – was born with much help and love from my husband (who was also willing to share our early struggles so others could benefit).
Fast Fix Marriage Formula is a program where you can learn more about yourself, learn the skills to overcome insecure attachments and manage your reactions and emotions (to be a better partner and parent).
It is the core learning in my widely praised and widely used, all inclusive, All Access Marriage Coaching Program called Marriagology.
In this special letter, I’m going to give you all the details you need to have a flourishing marriage. I’ll show you how to get your 8 free gifts (worth $9,126 and many years of tears and heartache from me – but at no cost to you).
You’ll get hands on support from me for your broken marriage (with weekly live group Zoom meetings (where you can ask your questions and zoom in on help from others in the group).
Keep reading on to discover all…
- Marion February 2024
Marriage Coach since 1997 to over 3,600 clients worldwide including 1,200 couples.
Dear Marriage Spouse or Partner,
I’m Karen Gosling
Look what I have with Mike, a flourishing marriage since 1977.
My superpower is being able to listen to my clients' issues, quickly identify the root cause of their problems, and provide strategies without judgement that support couples to reconnect (and build a system for a flourishing marriage).
I teach effective communication skills so couples can resolve resentments and increase intimacy (by restoring trust with each other).
I’ve worked professionally for three decades in marriage, relationship, and ADHD/ASD counselling (and helped more than 1,200 couples reconnect).
Working out how to put a marriage together from scratch can take months, even years of trial and error (and hours of Googling), but with Fast Fix Marriage Formula you’ll get all the information you need (in one neat little package).
I’ve packed all the learning from my more than 20,000 hours over 3 decades of professional counselling and coaching experience into the course (so you don’t have to go through this quagmire alone or spend months making mistakes).
Fast Fix Marriage Formula will fix your failing marriage fast (so you can avoid splitting and divorce!).
So, who the heck am I and why should you trust me to teach you about how to have a happy passionate and flourishing marriage?
Excellent question!
I have spent 27 years systemising and developing this Marriage Coaching Blueprint (all while working with clients one-on-one).
I’ve spent over $125,000 on my BA (Social Work) counselling, psychological, and post graduate Master of Public Health educational qualifications (as well as books, seminars, workshops, online courses, and specialty training in ADHD/ASD).
All just to solve this specific problem of how to fix a failing marriage.
I am co-founder of Gosling International, my coaching and counselling organisation based in Southeast Queensland, Australia, together with my husband Mike.
I teach a very simple but unique system to take your marriage to a whole new level (and stop exchanging your time for arguments, bringing up things from the past, and saying “sayonara” to physical intimacy)
My blueprint goes against many things you’ve been taught in “old school” models (Like learning how to listen with empathy and respecting differences between how women and men communicate).
I have been a marriage and ADHD/ASD counsellor in my own practice since 1997 in Singapore and Australia (working with clients worldwide either Face-to- Face or by Zoom).
My counselling or coaching style is liked by everybody. If you search for my name in Google, you’ll find many entries for my work.
I’m a world-renowned expert in making marriages flourish and an ADHD/ASD Specialist coach. I’m an experienced qualified mental health social worker (Member of the Australian Association of Social Workers).
I have created three seminar series: Surviving Life Dramas, How To Handle Difficult Behaviour, and Adult ADD Healing.
I am the author of three influential books on fixing troubled relationships: Surviving Life Dramas, How To Handle Difficult Behavior! and EmotionMatters: How To Reduce Your Stress And Achieve Wellness.
So, if you’re looking for someone who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to best-practice marriage coaching using online practice resources, you’ve come to the right place (And I’m on a mission to get you a flourishing marriage).
⦿ With the pizzazz and excitement gone from your marriage - and separation or divorce looming - it's easy to feel stuck & unsure about your next step?
⦿ Are you feeling emotionally wounded and waiting for an apology from your partner, not talking, in case he or she gets mad at you again?
⦿ Do you crave acknowledgement of your feelings but feel totally unloved when you're told to "get over it" because your partner doesn't want to hear your complaints?
⦿ You're passionate about wanting your marriage and family to flourish and thrive, but you only see a marriage full of hurts and time on your own spent recovering from painful impulsive remarks. Possibly splitting up. You're trading time for arguments, hurts, and an irritable spouse!
⦿ There is just one problem: You feel too embarrassed to get divorced.
⦿ Follow a clear roadmap that allows your passion to shine, helping you and your partner reach your flourishing marriage with confidence and direction.
⦿ See that marriages don’t end because of events. Marriages end because of your FEELINGS about those events and whether or not your feelings are heard and understood.
⦿ Feel on the same page as your spouse, then you feel supported and can keep going. It’s about the feelings. Even after conflict, it’s about the feelings, and whether those feelings are resolved.
All so you can eagerly get your marriage started off again on the right foot.
My comprehensive marriage secrets will fast-track your path to a flourishing marriage and help you make a happy passionate relationship (even if you’ve never thought this possible before).
You can’t compare this to any marriage counselling you’ve had in the past or any self-help courses you might have done (because they haven’t explained the right science, the right psychology, and the right connection).
These are the fundamental secrets to managing your emotions and managing each other (and no one has shared these with you until now!).
So, what are you waiting for?
I'll be totally frank with you. This isn't for everyone. If you're not committed to your marriage or relationship, it's not designed for you.
All Access Marriagology Membership contains all the astonishing secrets you need to transform your marriage from mediocre to magnificent! So, here’s what you instantly get in Marriagology for two!
"so that you gain unknown but proven relationship secrets that show you how to have the security, love, and connection you want in a flourishing marriage."
"so that grow your happy passionate marriage (Valued at $4,500 but no additional cost to you) I break down everything and remove the guesswork in making your marriage flourish."
"so that I make sure you start YOUR journey to a “flourishing marriage” with an unfair advantage, I’ll place 8 free gifts in your backpack for the road ahead (if you’ll let me)."
I’ll get you set up for your success in having a flourishing marriage. We’ll look at 4 fears that will stop you from having the marriage you really want and your positioning — how to get clear on the marriage you’re really in.
Your brain is your personality, and you can change your brain if you don’t like the way you feel or think or behave. If you don’t know how the emotion centre of your brain works, you won’t know how to manage your emotions.
Unless you can interpret things differently, you will always feel the same way – because your perception is your reality. And in your relationship you need an understanding of your emotional style – your fight or flight response at times of stress.
Intimacy is not just sex – couples are breaking up because of a lack of emotional intimacy in their marriage, and the yearning for a connection that is deeper and more meaningful.
After a brief Welcome in this module, I’ll get you set up for your success in having a flourishing marriage and 4 fears that will stop you from having the marriage you really want.
We’ll look at your positioning — how to get clear on the marriage you’re really in. If you’ve got no idea what you want to talk about, don’t worry! I’ll help you find a topic that’s right for you.
We’ll cover…
Your brain is your personality, and you can change your brain if you don’t like the way you feel or think or behave. (You can be in control of your life rather than perceive that things happen to you.)
You’ll be given a practical explanation of the brain in a biological format that actually makes sense. If you don’t know how the emotion centre of your brain works, you won’t know how to manage your emotions.
We’ll cover…
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour, as well as feeling and thought. Unless you can interpret things differently, you will always feel the same way – because your perception is your reality.
And in your relationship you need an understanding of your emotional style – your fight or flight response at times of stress – as this determines whether you argue with your spouse or go silent when you have a difference of opinion.
We’ll cover…
Intimacy is not just sex – couples are breaking up because of a lack of emotional intimacy in their marriage, and the yearning for a connection that is deeper and more meaningful.
‘In-to-me-see’ occurs when you feel safe enough to have your spouse see into you – you allow them to know you, your struggles, your irks and quirks, your problems and your past – and they love and accept you regardless. Find the right connection in your marriage – It may be the only way of finding out who you are.
We’ll cover…
Good communication starts with being able to LISTEN a lot – being able to hear and understand more than just the words that are spoken. Most of all, its about being able to acknowledge the other person’s feelings so they know you’ve heard them.
Men and women certainly are different in the way they communicate – women talk feelings and men talk facts – and this will forever be a source of misunderstanding between men and women until they learn how the other gender operates.
A good knowledge of emotions is super essential for a flourishing marriage. Gaining insight into our own emotional reactions and tendencies as well as into our partner’s unique emotional style and reactions is vital.
It is normal to think that you will never be able to get over the pain of betrayal. And so separation is often a knee-jerk first reaction. Often however, couples do want to recover from a betrayal and “move forward” in their marriage – but don’t know how.
Only about 12% of communication is verbal – the rest is non-verbal (body language, facial expressions and tone of voice). It’s a small percentage, but even then, most people can’t do it properly. They think good communication is being able to talk a lot. It’s not.
Good communication starts with being able to LISTEN a lot (being able to hear and understand more than just the words that are spoken). Most of all, its about being able to acknowledge the other person’s feelings so they know you’ve heard them.
We’ll cover…
Have you heard the jokes about men and women being from different planets – well it’s true! Researchers tell us that the genders are different from the moment of conception (and both the brain and body develop differently whilst in the womb).
Men and women certainly are different in the way they communicate – women talk feelings and men talk facts – and this will forever be a source of misunderstanding between men and women (until they learn how the other gender operates).
We’ll cover…
A good knowledge of emotions is super essential for a flourishing marriage. Gaining insight into our own emotional reactions and tendencies (as well as into our partner’s unique emotional style and reactions) is vital.
Emotions and reactions should not be judged as good or bad, moral or immoral, but rather as information. Even when we find another person’s reactions to be completely different from our own, such information can be used to actually strengthen our relationship.
We’ll cover…
It is normal to think that you will never be able to get over the pain of betrayal. The hurt experienced by the body is so intense and so physical, the betrayed person never wants to feel that way again. And so separation is often a knee-jerk first reaction.
Often however, couples do want to recover from a betrayal and “move forward” in their marriage – but don’t know how. After a recommitment, the one who has been hurt wonders if they can ever trust their spouse again. The one who betrayed wants the matter to be over as fast as possible, and never to be mentioned again.
We’ll cover…
9 Marriage Growth Guides To Help Bring Your
Flourishing Marriage Back To Life Faster
VALUED AT $4,500
(but no additional cost to you)
Karen’s “Make Your Relationship Work” Marriage Growth Guide gives you a step-by-step approach to understanding and addressing issues in your marriage by exploring the 5 common love languages (and the sixth and the seventh).
It helps you identify where things have gone wrong and provides tips and tools to better meet your partner’s needs, which will instantly improve your relationship.
In a marriage where one partner has Adult ADHD, you likely feel overwhelmed and feel like you must carry the lion’s share of the housework and life admin.
Also manage the children. And work full time because your spouse keeps changing jobs. Or starting up a new business that then fails because it gets boring.
And you’ve told them that sometimes instead of having a partner, it’s like you have another child! (If this sounds like the exasperation you feel about your miserable marriage, then you may be dealing with a partner with ADHD).
This marriage growth guide helps you understand the three core symptoms of ADHD (especially the quick to anger and arguments about who said what!) and how ADHD impacts your relationship. Once you know, you can both do it better!
You want to feel the romance again, right, and not just boring? If you’re missing the passionate feelings that once filled your relationship, it’s time to reignite the romance and reconnect with your partner.
By rediscovering the excitement and sexiness that first brought you together, you can build a trusting and lasting long-term relationship. This marriage guide offers a simple and effective way to create a flourishing marriage and have you not even THINK about splitting.
Understanding that being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a personality trait rather than a disorder can help you better support your partner (who may be deeply affected by emotions and external stimuli).
They are often troubled by their feelings and thoughts about how others are judging them. Learning about HSP traits can foster empathy and resilience in your marriage (reventing misunderstandings and helping you avoid unintentionally causing distress to your sensitive partner).
Self-esteem is crucial for a healthy marriage, as it influences your ability to meet basic emotional needs and affects your overall well-being. If low self-esteem is causing issues in your miserable marriage, shifting your mindset and improving your self-worth can help you live more fully in the present.
This change is especially important after experiences like abuse, betrayal, or loss (as it can prevent negative impacts on your marriage and help you and your partner cope more effectively).
Addressing your own stress, anxiety, and low mood can be crucial for revitalising a failing marriage by learning to manage these feelings and understanding the impact of life dramas and stressful events. (This is how you can work towards improving your emotional well-being and relationship.)
Recognising whether your struggles stem from depression, grief, or other sources can help you take the right steps to heal and strengthen your marriage.
Understanding your personality and your partner’s traits, such as being a thinker, feeler, introvert, or extrovert, can significantly benefit your miserable marriage. Identifying issues like ADHD, anxiety, or personality disorders like narcissism or BPD can help address conflicts and improve communication.
Recognizing these aspects can lead to a more empathetic and informed approach to resolving issues, potentially saving your relationship.
Discovering your spouse has been unfaithful can be intensely painful, often leading to a desire for immediate separation by the one who feels betrayed.
However, recovery is possible if both partners are willing to rebuild their sandcastle of trust gradually (rather than let it be washed away by the ongoing current tides of pain, misunderstanding and hurt). By addressing and acknowledging the issues together, couples can work towards healing and moving forward in their relationship.
I’m here to support every woman and man who wants a playful, passionate relationship (even if that doesn’t seem possible right now).
I stand for marriage, which means I’m standing for you and your partner and staying together. Understanding the masculine mind (and using my 17 specific techniques to get him to do what you want when you want) can help women influence positive changes in their partner’s behaviour.
Partners can avoid a lacklustre relationship, improve emotional and sexual intimacy, and potentially save a miserable marriage (by fostering a deeper connection and satisfaction with the partner you chose).
You’ll have access to my entire video library! These are short, exact, and simple to consume videos so you can follow my entire blueprint step-by-step.
These are not your generic, fluffy advice and tips that you would typically get from a basic course (frankly like most of the other programs in the market).
These are very very specific step-by-step super super detailed videos where I break down every little thing to help you take out all the guesswork in making a flourishing marriage.
The divorce avoiding videos and audios I created, the accompanying weekly Marriagology Masterclass group Zoom meetings, the marriage saving tips in my emails, the Marriage Growth Guides, AND the ideas and strategies you get are comparable to high level programs (but at a minimal cost to you).
Most importantly it will save you from the biggest cost of your entire life – the $80,000+ cost of losing your partner, your marriage, and possibly your kids, to common and easily correctable things if you knew what I have to share with you (if you knew my system).
Best of all though, I don’t just TELL you what to do, I show you HOW to take action on all these things seamlessly so that you will have a flourishing marriage and avoid divorce, and splitting your assets and losing your kids (having them grow up without knowing what their father looks like).
You can’t NOT take action today (or you’re at risk of sure-fire divorce, frustration, and the losses including your assets, losing your home, and having your kids grow up without their parents together).
Now, I have no idea what YOU can do with what I teach.
BUT… actual proof of the Fast Fix Marriage Formula working is what you want to see, right?
So here are some of my clients who have used the Fast Fix Marriage Formula to have a happy passionate marriage, keep the family together and learn relationship skills they can use for life – and ALL DONE SUPER FAST.
Testimony from Fiona, married for 35 years, after suffering years of frustrating issues in her marriage – stemming from her husband’s ADD – and taking the time to learn about ADD and how to manage it.
Have you ever seen results as FAST as this?
NOW again, I cannot promise you any results. I do not know you.
I don’t know your abilities. And for all I know you won’t even apply what I teach.
But would you like to know HOW these people are getting their results?
I’ll show you exactly how it’s done using Marriagology and Fast Fix Marriage Formula.
I’m a world-renowned expert in flourishing marriages and ADHD/ASD specialist coach since 1997 to over 3,600 clients worldwide including 1,200 couples who’s been where you are—navigating the highs and lows of building a flourishing marriage from scratch.
Over the years, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, blending practical strategies with a bit of creative flair to create a system that truly reflects my own journey to a happy passionate marriage.
I developed this digital program because I want to share those insights with you, helping you break through the noise, find your unique voice, and build a marriage that’s not just happy, but also deeply rewarding.
I know what it feels like to feel stuck or overwhelmed by the daily grind, unsure of where to focus your energy. That’s exactly why I’m here—to help you simplify the process, stay inspired, and take confident steps toward your goals.
Recent clients commented:
“We used to be the POWER couple. But now we feel we’re broken, and we’ve come to you to be fixed.”
⦿ You want to save at least $80,000 in divorce costs excluding legal fees. Not to mention the emotional cost of losing a partner and possibly children of a failed marriage, when it could have been fixed.
⦿ You can get serious about you and your marriage actually succeeding… instead of just “surviving.”
⦿ You want the most valuable marriage coaching experience of your life that will give you real success = personal growth + freedom.
⦿ You want to try it out for 30-days with zero risk. If for some strange reason you’re not completely thrilled within 30-days, I’ll give you your full money back. No questions asked.
Nope. I’ve seen them too. And it makes no sense to me. Building the right relationship is FOUNDATIONAL. The whole point of building your marriage is so that couples can learn effective communication skills to resolve resentments and increase intimacy to enjoy a happy passionate marriage (by restoring trust with each other).
That’s why with Marriagology, I want to give you EVERYTHING you need to build a flourishing marriage and restore it from the brink of divorce. If anything, Marriagology is a more comprehensive, up-to-date, and easy to follow marriage building course than the ones that sell for 3-5X the price.
Marriagology is a foundational marriage building program.
It’s for married couples or partners in relationships who are just getting started and want to “learn-the-ropes” to get off to a good start with each other AS WELL AS seasoned partners who feel their marriage is stagnating (inconsistent, poor communication, no intimacy, or no engagement as when you first started out together), and want to quickly get up to speed and commit to growing the #1 most important asset in your life – your marriage!
Absolutely! You don’t have to get set up in Marriagology. Once you have bought the course you will be automatically taken to log yourself in. I’ve designed the course to be really easy to follow with no previous knowledge required.
FAST FIX MARRIAGE FORMULA is a self-paced marriage building program, meaning you can work as many or as little hours as your schedule allows.
A good rule of thumb would be an hour per week watching the lessons and reading the fact sheets, and another 2-3 putting them into action with your spouse or partner for about 5-8 weeks.
(pretty much the same amount of time that couples in most failing marriages spend in “figuring-it-out” mode).
But here’s the thing…
As you’ll find, Marriagology is designed for rapid implementation and sustainable momentum.
Meaning, as you stack up the wins and start waking up to new learning every day…
You’ll WANT to keep going.
You’ll WANT to speed through Marriagology as quickly as you can.
You’ll WANT to make it the first thing you jump into after your epic morning routine.
Because as you’ll soon see, Marriagology isn’t a chore when you know exactly what you need to be doing to get amazing results for your marriage without wasting effort.
It’s actually one of the most fun and satisfying things you can do in your marriage.
Additional marriage growth guides within Marriagology can be completed anytime at your leisure. Refer to them often and when needed.
Straight away! This is a Quick Start guide that’s going to save your marriage! Get in there and start implementing this stuff immediately and save your marriage.
Then over time you’re going to have extra support but you’re going to save your marriage right here, right now.
All Access membership starts from the minute you purchase Marriagology so you don’t have to wait for the lessons to begin, everything is right there waiting for you the minute you enrol.
Although I recommend that you progress through the modules as they are presented, all modules are open for you to speed ahead or go back and review topics in your own time.
This is going to Quick Start save your marriage, then in terms of the rest of the course (integrating and building the flourishing marriage) Marriagology has been designed to be done at your own pace so it can fit perfectly into your schedule.
Course videos are pre-recorded, and you get access to everything as soon as you enrol so you can go through the materials at whatever time is best for you.
Links to new videos from Marriagology Masterclass weekly meetings will appear regularly in Marriagology Circle Community. (So, we’re going to save this marriage now and you do the rest at your leisure.)
Nope! Your membership is for you and your partner, and you each have your own email logins. Of course, I recommend working through modules together and discussing your issues raised by the content and understand each other better.
Then jump on my weekly Marriagology Masterclass Zoom group Masterclass and the Marriagology Circle Community to share with members and ask your questions.
We’re going to make a little deal, ok?
“head nod”
I’m 100% committed to Marriagology being the ONLY program you need to successfully kickstart your marriage rebuilding efforts from a failing marriage — and watch it skyrocket in the coming weeks and months as you advance through the program.
If you are committed to figuring out what your major issues are and how you plan to fix them (and are committed to giving this your best shot by working through the course materials), then I promise you, you WILL succeed in Marriagology.
I let you try it before you decide. My goal is to give you the most valuable marriage building experience of your life that will give you real success = personal growth + freedom.
Here's my 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee – You get to try Marriagology out for 30-days with zero risk. If for some strange reason you don’t want to solve your marriage crisis problem (using my 8 self-paced relationship skills, 9 bonus marriage guides, and weekly group Zoom masterclasses) and you’re not completely thrilled within 30-days, I’ll give you your full money back. No questions asked.
So, if you don’t feel your relationship has been saved from the brink of divorce within these 30-days I’ll give you your full money back. That’s how confident I am that this is going to work for you because I’ve put decades of my life’s work and all the intelligence that’s gone into this. And you get 100% of your investment back.
You have access for the lifetime of the website for as long as you pay your monthly subscription! Much of the Marriagology.com content is downloadable, meaning you can save the fact sheets, work sheets, and case studies onto your computer so you will always have access to it whenever, wherever. Visit the website for access to videos and audios and Marriagology Community Circle for Masterclass recordings.
💚 8 Fast Fix Marriage Formula self-paced marriage coaching modules (value $125,000)
💚 9 Marriage Growth Guides + To make your marriage passionate (value $4,500)
💚 8 Free Gifts + No extra cost to you (total value $9,126) as follows:
💚 1. Marriage Growth Club - 3 LIVE Zoom Masterclasses Per Month (value $3,997)
💚 2. Recordings of each Masterclass (value $997)
💚 3. Special Reports of Each Masterclass (value $997)
💚 4. “Private Members Only Podcast” (value $997)
💚 5. “3 Secrets To Having A Happy Passionate Marriage” Video Masterclass (value $997)
💚 6. “Love Languages Masterclass” Video (value $497)
💚 7. “Intimacy Quadrant Relationship Quiz” (value $497)
💚 8. “3 Published eBooks” (value $147)
PLUS: Marriagology Circle Community Group Chat to ask your questions, download your free gifts, and access weekly Zoom Masterclasses (value priceless)
... I want to help you reach your goal AND make it affordable for everyone.
So, what I have is: ALL ACCESS MARRIAGOLOGY MEMBERSHIP Paid Monthly for you and your partner to:
The FREE gifts include 3 x 1-hour weekly Zoom Group Marriagology Masterclasses each month + Recordings of Masterclasses + Special Reports of each Masterclass + Private Members Only Podcast and more… There is NO hidden agenda.
Total value $138,626!
... I hand you a system that completely saves your marriage even if it’s on the brink of divorce right now (which could result in kids growing up with a stepfather and an ex who hates you and talks bad about you to the children and who doesn’t let you ever see your own kids).
This is not theory.
Not feel-good stories.
Not high-fives and dancing.
Just the step-by-step system for applying it as soon as you join.
My system is comparable to any high-level program, but at minimal cost to you.
You have literally never experienced a training… or a spouse-attraction system… like this before. You’re going to have a divorce if you don’t listen to me.
If you don’t find out these secrets, you’re going to have to split your finances… you’ll end up living out of boxes… losing your home… losing your kids… you’ll have someone else going to see your kids perform at school concerts.
And to get you off to a great start, once you’ve completed my 8-modules of Fast Fix Marriage Formula online training, you have ongoing access to 9 Marriage Growth Guides and 8 FREE Gifts to cover every aspect of your marriage relationship.
And – You get monthly membership of Marriagology for you and your spouse/partner with free access to Marriagology Circle Community for Q&A and resources for as long as you want it!
For a limited time, entry to All Access Marriagology Membership is just $97 per month and at that price it’s a complete steal. This is the most robust system on the entire planet for saving marriages.
184 Members have already benefited from this low entry price for training to grow their flourishing marriage valued at over $138,626. Join me today before this offer is withdrawn and the price goes up.
I’ve spent 27 years systemising and developing this Marriagology Marriage Saving Blueprint. No-one else in the whole world has done just this to solve the specific problem of how to fix a failing marriage.
Karen says:
“In 30-days, you’ll become more intimate, feel like friends again, have security that you’re not going to divorce and feel confident to manage a conflict.
And because of the coaching process I put you through, you will keep your marriage and improve your relationship skills (and transform your marriage into what you want it to be – vibrant and thriving).
This proven marriage saving system is exactly what I teach to my one-on-one clients that you can’t find anywhere else in the world, or anywhere online.
You can spend the rest of your life searching online for these answers, and in the process, you’ll end up having a divorce!
You have to save your marriage now or your kids are going to grow up with a step-parent. You can find the answers only in Marriagology and I’m the only one who has come even close to creating a system that has enough power to save your marriage in lightning time.
This is the only program you need to save your failing marriage.”
It’s taken me 27 years to be here with you today. It had to take that long for me to make enough mistakes in my own marriage (almost heading for a divorce) to find enough solutions.
I’ve supported over 3,600 individual clients, including 1,200 couples, from 98 nationalities by getting it right when it comes to building a brilliant flourishing marriage.
Over 260 of these couples have been helped specifically to deal with the effects of ADHD/ASD in their marriage (and the impact of these conditions on them and their children).
Many clients have said their marriage has been saved and they could not have done it on their own.
So, if you were to say that I’m the “World Renowned Expert In Flourishing Marriages and ADHD/ASD Specialist Coach”, I would agree.
Out of all the people who try and pitch you on helping you fix your marriage and be happier, maybe 1 in 20 will actually be an expert counsellor or coach.
The rest will be pretenders. People trying to crash into the industry… but never having personally helped 3,600 people worldwide in more than 20,000 counselling hours (And worked alongside recognised medical practitioners and psychiatrists in the mental health field).
These ‘pretend coaches or counsellors’ have never had direct referrals from psychiatrists, general practitioners, psychologists, and allied health professionals.
They have never had the experience that can solve your problem of a failing marriage in an instant and prevent a split leading to a divorce, separated children, and financial distress.
Even if you find one that has some results, he or she will maybe know how to run a counselling session (or give you feedback on what you tell them).
But they won’t have had that chance as I have had, to look in the eyes of thousands of people and genuinely help them discover the joy of living in a restored marriage.
They won’t have heard, felt, and seen people’s reactions to an explanation of the emotional brain science… a question on emotional style… or an idea on a behavioural problem that is badly affecting their relationship.
This is what it takes to truly help individuals grow in a marriage.
Because it’s hard out there (and people don’t care how great you think you are), all they care about is the results you can help them create – a happy passionate marriage.
All they care about is enjoying intimacy, keeping the children safe physically and emotionally, and saving the finances from being paid out on an expensive divorce.
I create my own programs. I run my own programs. I sell my own programs. I deliver my own programs. And I give you the results you want…
I help you create your happy passionate flourishing marriage!
I haven’t just started a Facebook account and written “CEO of XYZ Marriage Coaching Company” in the profile. That’s what a ton of counsellors and coaches do (because it’s “cool” to be an entrepreneur these days).
My considerable experience for three decades in psycho-social counselling and mental health social work practice, and my personable warmth and positive outlook, makes me uniquely qualified to:
>help couples improve emotional well-being
>fix their failing marriage
>keep the family together, and
>learn 8 relationship skills for life.
Today I only let the most suitable people into my programs. (Again, this sort of experience is what will protect you too and help change your life dramatically).
Many people love what I do—those that have chosen to use my experience and coaching develop greater awareness, get emotional balance, and build a happy passionate marriage.
So, I’m going to take the responsibility for starting our relationship and invite you into the course at this low price only to help you reach your goal AND make it affordable for everyone.
This way you have no reason NOT to join.
Then maybe sometime in the future we may decide to do ongoing face-to-face counselling or coaching together. Maybe. Maybe not.
Either way, I’m going to answer every question and show you my complete system that has helped me have a happy, passionate, and flourishing marriage with my husband, Mike (because I want that for you too).
And no-one has to listen to a sales pitch. There is NO hidden agenda.
I am regularly and routinely paid $497 for initial consultations and from $2,747 to $3,847 for my pre-paid counselling plans (and I sell lots of them).
My Elite Marriage Intensive Weekend Gold Coast Getaway with 3 months ongoing Zoom counselling support is now open at $9,997 (a steal for 2-nights on the beautiful Gold Coast with in-depth one-on-one counselling with me).
But you’re not going to have to pay anything close to those prices right now.
I know you don’t have a big budget to invest in a flourishing marriage yet, so you can get started today for only $497 a month for the entire Fast Fix Marriage Formula program (PLUS all the 9 bonuses, 8 free gifts, and Marriagology Circle).
How can I do this? Because this is a web special where I can deliver my program online now through a monthly membership plan (and so I’m able to reduce the price, so it costs way less and is affordable and suitable for anyone).
With the rapid rise in divorces worldwide, having a reliable marriage saving coaching program has become essential. Marriagology is not only incredible, but reliable. Many clients are using Marriagology to stay safe in their marriage (protected from outside influences).
As the creator of Marriagology, I want as many people as possible to know about this marriage saving technology. (And I’ve done everything I can to keep the price low and make it affordable for everyone).
Now is an incredible opportunity to elevate your flourishing marriage to a highly new level. I’m offering this exclusive low price for a limited time allowing you to purchase Marriagology for a fraction of its real value at an unbeatable price per month.
Plus, I’m so confident in my fully automated enrolment and payment service that I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. If you’re not completely satisfied you can cancel within 30-days for a full refund.
I will promptly and courteously refund every dollar you have invested in the program. With the need to save marriages from divorce at an all-time high you have to hurry. Don’t miss out on this incredible deal.
So, the normal price is $497 per month for Marriagology Monthly Membership. But you’re not going to have to pay even $297, which is a steal. Instead, you only have to pay just $197.
But wait. If you’re in the next 100 people who sign up, and if you can still read this you’re lucky enough to be in that 100, but I don’t know how long it will last, maybe an hour, maybe a day, maybe only 5 minutes, maybe 2 days, I don’t know.
If you want to risk it, it is what it is, but if you sign up while you can still see this, and you’re in the 100, you’re going to get it for only $97 per month — AND that includes two of you — so your partner is FREE!
So, you’re getting hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of life changing value not even at the regular standard price that most people consider a steal at $497 and you’re getting it NOT at $297, NOT at $197, but you’re going to get it for only $97 per month (And for two people!).
And the reason why I’m giving you this is because I want to reward the fast actors – the people who need their flourishing marriage urgently – people who are not sitting around dilly-dallying wondering if this will work for them and understand that you can take the chance and try this to see for yourself.
I’m basically giving it to you virtually for free. So, it’s minimal to you. And the life-changing results you’re going to get are amazing.
I have the right to stand before you today because I have dedicated my adult life to solving this problem of a marriage in crisis.
I’m passionate about it and I’m a real expert. I’ve spent over $125,000 on my education over the past decades working with all types of clients and they pay me these prices.
A regular retail price for this is $2,000, but because this is a web special and I know I can deliver it to you in a more convenient format for people who couldn’t afford that, it’s now not going to cost $2,000. It’s only $97 per month!
And the reason why I can give you this is because I’m so passionate about what I do and I want to help you, I want to help people. I have my own registered charity, FijiLIFE Foundation (I give to the poor, disadvantaged, and needy people in Fiji).
I know that if I help you it’s going to change your life and then it will also massively benefit the charity that I’m going to be giving to. I don’t need to have people paying $2,000 to get into this. (I realise I can get this because other people can’t pay that).
So please, only take it if you seriously want to change your results in your marriage.
Only buy if you are committed to fixing your marriage and want the flourishing marriage you yearn for (without the arguments, without the tension, and thoughts of divorce).
Because when you arrive, I’m going to treat you like a valued client and give you access to my all my intellectual property collated over nearly 3 decades, including:
FREE Gifts include: Marriagology Masterclasses of 3 x 1-Hour LIVE Group Zoom live meetings with me per month where you can ask your questions (and check out that I’m a real person talking to you in real time).
So, bring your A-game and be ready to walk away with discoveries that will change your marriage forever, because I’m absolutely confident of what I’m going to give you. Buy your place NOW – Click the green “Click Here To Order” link below.
This 8-module self-paced Flourishing Marriage Coaching will be worth at least $80,000 to you in saved divorce fees, and you get to try it out for 30-days with zero risk. If within this time, for any reason you change your mind in any way, I will give you a prompt and courteous refund of every single dollar you invested, and we part as friends…
…NO-ONE anywhere promises you this.
My Marriagology 8-module self-paced Fast Fix Marriage Formula, 9 Bonus Marriage Growth Guides, 8 FREE Gifts, and Marriagology Circle will be worth at least $80,000 to you in savings of divorce costs excluding legal fees.
Not to mention the emotional cost of losing a partner and possibly children of a failed marriage (when it could have been fixed).
Try Before You Decide
Don’t just take my word for it. Don’t just take my happy client’s word for it who were in broken marriages like you and tell you it will work for you too.
I know you might be skeptical. That’s ok. All I ask is that you remain open-minded and don’t pre-judge before experiencing for yourself.
That’s why I let you try it before you decide.
My goal is to give you the most valuable marriage coaching experience of your life that will give you real success = personal growth + freedom.
100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
And you get to try it out for 30-days with zero risk. If for some strange reason you don’t want to solve your marriage crisis problem using my 8 self-paced relationship skills (and you’re not completely thrilled within 30-days), I’ll give you your full money back.
No questions asked.
So, if you don’t feel your relationship has been saved from the brink of divorce within these 30-days I’ll give you your full money back.
That’s how confident I am that this is going to work for you (because I’ve put decades of my life’s work and all the intelligence that’s gone into this).
I’m absolutely confident in what I’m going to give you and that it will work for you that I’ll take all the risk on myself, so you don’t have any risk yourself and you never have to ask for a refund (you simply cancel your monthly payment).
I’ve dedicated my life and resources to solving the problem of fixing a marriage in crisis and I know that this will work for you. I’m putting my reputation on the line in giving you no risk.
So, here’s my guarantee — You don’t even have to pay the regular price of $497. You just have to pay only $97 to start growing your flourishing marriage.
And if within 30-days for any strange reason at all you change your mind, I will give you a prompt and courteous refund of every single dollar you invested (and we part as friends).
Also, you get to keep all of downloads I gave you immediate access to (which have a cost to me) just as a thank you for trying out Marriagology.
NO-ONE anywhere promises you this. No one else can offer you this. This is the only system in the world that can save your marriage.
When you join me in Marriagology Membership today…
This is about you GROWING. Okay?
If you DO make it past the first 30-days, then here’s how this online training helps you grow your flourishing marriage:
> Teaches you a simpler, more stable relationship model that stops you from having to blame, complain and argue all the time.
> Shows you how to stay the distance
> No more miscommunication and misunderstanding
> No more silent periods in your marriage
> No more anxiety – just a spouse eager to become your soulmate
> The warm engagement will come in on auto-pilot every week – so that you have consistency and predictability back in your marriage
> Shows you how to create a happy passionate marriage where you can share your new emotional and communication skills with others (instead of them chasing you)
> No need to split – save $80,000!
> No need to break up the family (Learn relationship skills for life!)
What you need is a BREAKTHROUGH (not another “coaching program”).
You need to be pushed beyond what you’ve done up to this point in your marriage.
And you need to find your new “comfortable.”
WHAT'S THE ALTERNATIVE?? Just keep on doing the stuff in your marriage that hasn't been working?? Same old! Same old!
REMEMBER – that’s why your marriage is NOTHING like what you want it to be.
So, to make sure you start YOUR journey to a “flourishing marriage” with an unfair advantage, here’s what I’ll place in your backpack for the road ahead (if you'll let me).
Access for two — you and your spouse/partner — to my extensive Flourishing Marriage Training including:
Each month I'll teach you LIVE in 3 x 1-Hour Zoom Group Meetings and help turn your failing marriage into a flourishing marriage.
I'll make everything easy to understand... bring out the best in you... and push you to smash any limitations to fix your failing marriage (and it will continue to fail until you find out my secrets for a flourishing marriage).
If you miss the class - NO PROBLEM! Like to recap what was taught? NO PROBLEM! In the members-only Marriagology Circle, you'll find a treasure-trove of recorded classes that only teach you what you need to know - NO MORE OVERWHELM!
Sometimes you just want to learn by reading, right? Reading lets you absorb the detail... make notes... and highlight the areas that are most important to you.
So, within hours of the LIVE class, you'll find a Special Report of that class in Marriagology Circle. Fully edited and made simple to read. BOOOOM!
Surviving Life Dramas. How To Stop Whining And Start Living! (280 pages)
How To Handle Difficult Behaviour – And It May Be Your Own! (256 pages)
EmotionMatters. How To Reduce Your Stress And Achieve Wellness (176 pages)
Get All Access to Marriagology:
If in the next 30-days you don't feel that you've grown in Marriagology or my weekly live Marriagology Masterclass group Zoom meetings, then you owe nothing.
I will give you a prompt and courteous refund of every single dollar you invested, and we part as friends.
Why is my single goal in Marriagology to get you to a flourishing marriage?
Because once you BELIEVE it is possible – once you break through your "fears and doubts" that a flourishing marriage will happen – your life will never be the same again.
When you love the marriage you have, you have everything you need!
They make you wait 12-months to give you everything they promised you!
Well, your marriage could break in 12-months! All because you were loaded down with modules to watch... homework to complete... strategies to try.
That's why I open up all modules to you as soon after you join and grant you All Access to Marriagology.com.
AND I created Marriagology Masterclass Zoom meetings to run alongside Marriagology Membership, so that you can jump right in and get results immediately - NO WAITING!
Why wait when you CAN GET LIVE HELP from me WEEKLY right now – as you progress through the Fast Fix Marriage Formula and marriage growth guides!
(You can cancel ANYTIME during the first 30-days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” It’s that simple.)
What have you got to lose... except your old results?
"Wishing" for a flourishing marriage is NOT going to work. For things to change, YOU must change.”
Just like you tell your family, clients, or workmates... if there's no challenge, there's no growth.
WELL... your challenge starts here RISK FREE.
ALL 8 Fast Fix Formula Marriage modules and 9 Mariage Growth Guides are online now at www.Marriagology.com.
Your 8 FREE Gifts, including weekly Zoom recordings and chat room, are online now in our Marriagology Circle Community Platform.
Limited Time Only
Why now? Here's exactly why:
Because I’m only accepting 500 highly motivated folks who are ready to “get in the game” and start having a happy passionate flourishing marriage. This offer will go away very quickly.
This “no-brainer” offer on this page is and will go away when the countdown timer below hits ZERO. Which means, you'll miss out on your risk-free 30-day trial.
So don't make a decision now – make it in 30-days time. Make a decision based on what you do know, instead of what you don't know. That’s why I’m giving you time to take it for a test-drive.
And so, you don’t even have to pay the regular price of $497. You just have to pay only $97 to start growing your flourishing marriage.
And if within 30-days for any strange reason at all you change your mind or if this doesn’t save your marriage, you can look me in the eye over email and I will give you a prompt and courteous refund of every single dollar you invested, and we part as friends.
NO-ONE anywhere promises you this.
want to fix your failing marriage?
My superpower is being able to listen to my clients' issues, quickly identify the root cause of their problems, and provide strategies without judgement that help couples reconnect and build a system for a flourishing marriage. I teach effective communication skills so couples can resolve resentments and increase intimacy.
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine where you could be three months from now. Picture yourself confidently reconnected again with your wife or husband or partner and not only that, but what you have also learnt from listening to each other to bring a better home life for everyone. Once you do this there will be a sense of calm seeing a new chapter beginning and knowing you’re making a real impact in your lives.
That future is within your reach, and it starts with a single decision today. I know there might be a voice in your head listing all the reasons why you’re not ready. But let me ask you this: if not now, when? Your marriage needs what only I can teach to transform your lives. Don’t let fear hold you back. I’ll be with you every step of the way, encouraging you and providing the support you need to enjoy a passionate flourishing marriage.
What have you got to lose?
"Wishing" for a flourishing marriage is NOT going to work. For things to change, YOU must change.
Just like you tell others... if there's no challenge, there's no growth.
WELL... your challenge starts here RISK FREE.
Step 1) Right now, scroll down and see the green button that says “SIGN ME UP”. Take your mouse over the button and CLICK IT.
Step 2) After you do this it will open up the next page which is an order page for Marriagology Membership.
Enter your first name and last name, email address, and phone number.
Next add your billing address as required for your credit card. Click the purple “Continue” button to the next page.
Take your credit card out of your wallet and put in the credit card details here. Then click the purple “ENROLL NOW” button.
This is a Thrivecart secure order form, everything is encrypted. There’s no risk of leaking your information.
Then you will be taken to a “Thank you” page on the finalising of your payment that is going to confirm your order. And at the same time, we’re going to send you an email that will have your confirmation receipt in there as well.
You’ll be able to instantly access your membership and bonuses.
Step 3) Next, instantly access 8 modules of Fast Fix Marriage Formula, 9 bonus Marriage Growth Guides in Marriagology.com and 8 free gifts in Marriagology Circle members’ community platform.
You’re going to click those links, and they will open up to a PDF, Audio, or Video file or web page and you’re going to be able to access those with your mouse.
You can open them up and play them on your phone, ipad, or computer and take the quiz online.
And if you enroll in Marriagology and you realise within 30-days that this program is not a good fit for you, I’ll gladly give you a refund – no questions asked.
I don’t want your money if you don’t think this is the perfect program for you. I really believe that this program is going to get you results and I want you to feel really good about your decision.
So, there’s a 30-day money back guarantee. There’s no risk involved but there’s a lot of benefit, a lot of rewards on the other side of you doing the work and you getting the results of building a happy flourishing marriage.
Now, I want to remind you that the entire program is ready for you right now. You don’t have to wait until each module is released. It’s all ready for you right now and you can go as fast as you want through the program or slow as you want.
I know you’re busy and have a lot going on. You get lifetime access to Marriagology for as long as you pay the monthly fee. Go at your own pace.
And updates to the program are all included. So, the program will grow with you as I add new content from my weekly group Zoom Masterclasses and new insights into having a happy flourishing marriage from members in our Marriagology Circle.
I’m not just teaching you but encouraging you to take action. So, this is definitely an implementation program. You’re not just going to learn, but you’re going to do.
Get Your Risk Free Marriagology Membership And Grow Your Flourishing Marriage… Fast!
I’ll see you on the inside.
Karen Gosling
World-Renowned Expert
In Making Marriages Flourish
And Specialist ADHD/ASD Coach
Each month I’ll teach you LIVE in 3 x 1-Hour Zoom Masterclasses and help turn your failing marriage into a flourishing marriage — I’ll make everything easy to understand… bring out the best in you… and push you to smash any limitations to fix your failing marriage (and it will continue to fail until you find out my secrets for a flourishing marriage).
If you miss the class – NO PROBLEM! Like to recap what was taught? NO PROBLEM! In the members-only Marriagology site, you’ll find a treasure-trove of classes in Marriage Growth Club that only teach you what you need to know – NO MORE OVERWHELM!
Sometimes you just want to learn by reading, right? Absorb the detail… make notes… and highlight the areas most important to you. So, within hours of the LIVE class, you’ll find a Special Report of that class. Fully edited and made simple to read. BOOOOM!
© Gosling International. All Rights Reserved.